Alive Training

Alive Workshop Mindfulness of the Breath

Listen to the Mindfulness of the Breath workshop:

How the Mindfulness of the Breath workshop looks when used in Alive with heart rate feedback:

Mindfulness is a calm, moment-by-moment awareness of your body, feelings, thoughts and consciousness. Mindfulness practice is a scientifically proven method for improving brain control over our stress responses which cause harmful effects on our mind and body. Regular mindfulness practice improves overall wellbeing.

Together with Alive training, mindfulness can become even more powerful. This workshop teaches you how to practice becoming mindful of your breath. Gently concentrating on your breath cycle is not only relaxing but also increases your ability to have a soft focus.

Take a moment now to put your hand in front of your nose and mouth. Breathe naturally and feel the air near your nose and mouth.

  • Now put a hand on your chest and another under your rib cage. Breathe naturally again and note when there is movement under each hand.
  • When distractions arise, gracefully shift your attention back to your breathing. A wandering mind is perfectly normal. Acknowledge the distraction and then return to being mindful of your breath.
  • Practice this workshop first by just listening to the audio recording. Once you become more connected with each of the sensations of breathing during this workshop, try a few moments of mindful breathing off-screen.